Thursday, March 12, 2009

"Little Thief"

I had never been around a ferret before Corey. In fact, even as an animal lover I had never even given them much thought. But before Corey and I ever started dating one of the few things I knew about him from overhearing conversations in class was that he was hoping to get a ferret. With this little fact I would often use it as much as possible to make conversation. He played along well as he told me about the cage he was going to make and how he wanted a ferret since he couldn't have a dog where he was living at the time. He had determined that ferrets were cool animals after watching videos of their behavior on YouTube. Well, they certainly are interesting little guys as you can see from my own homemade video of our ferret, Silas, in action.

Silas wasn't the first ferret. Corey got Piper about two months before we started dating. While we unfortunately don't' have any photos of her she looked exactly like the photo of the brown ferret at the top. She was a tiny little lady who for whatever reason would frequently get sick and was unable to pull through about a year ago.

Ferret actually means "little thief" in latin and that is certainly true. Silas had a thing about stealing the dogs' food dishes. On a daily basis when we would let him out of his cage he would come into the kitchen and either drag those things into the laundry room, under the couch or even under the bathroom sink. Yes, the bathroom sink. He had mastered the ability to open one of the bottom drawers in the bathroom cabinet which then allowed him to crawl under the sink and open the larger hinged doors where he liked to bring various items to hide.

Silas didn't make the move to Asheville, as my sister and I convinced my mom to let Silas stay in Ohio with Lauren. (At least for the time being.) You see, we didn't yet have a place to live upon leaving for Asheville and being that we already have two larger dogs we didn't want to complicate matters by having a third pet. Especially a somewhat destructive little ferret. So, Silas is in Ohio entertaining my nephew Hunter who is quite fond of him and from the sound of things my mom is growing attached as well. Thanks for looking after him Mom and Lauren!

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