I was reading the blog "Mark's Daily Apple" this morning and came across this not so fun fact...
"So what are the big winners in the grocery aisles these days? Totino’s frozen pizza, Yoplait yogurt, Progresso soup, and Betty Crocker dessert mixes. (Moment of awkward silence.) Want more news (that probably doesn’t feel like news)? Only two Dow Jones stocks had a positive upturn last year, and McDonalds was one of them. Pardon us, but we don’t know whether to laugh or cry."
It came from his post titled "Recession Diet". To read more visit: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/recession-diet/
In other news living in the south has been quite amusing regarding any "winter weather alerts". The local schools here were cancelled two days in a row (the first day by midnight the night before) without even an inch of accumulation. Now, I can recall a few times from my youth when school was cancelled due to unreasonably cold weather or extremely icy conditions but neither of those situations apply here. People drive 25mph on the highway if there is even a few snowflakes falling from the sky. Corey and I almost choked on our dinners watching the local news Monday night as the weather reporter was "on the scene" discussing that "some areas received upwards of two inches of snow". However, the location where he was had green grass in the background. It was ridiculous! But amusing nonetheless.
Lastly, Stay Active CrossFit is an official CrossFit affiliate and opening weekend is a week from this Saturday. There is still plenty to do, but the website is ready to go for the moment. If you haven't checked it out since yesterday please go visit: http://www.stayactivecrossfit.com/ as she had a bit of a face lift yesterday and is looking much better! Mr. Boggs did a great job with the final title.